Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Template light in process

Template light in process

Template light in process

Week 4 Year 11 DTM

On Tuesday I was away sick but today (wednesday) I am blogging My work from friday and on friday im doing another double practical.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Top plate template after cut out

Base plate template after cut out

Top plate template during cut out

Base plate template during cut out

top plate template in cam machine

Base plate in cam machine

Bottom plate

computer generated box template

DTM week 3 term 2 year 11

On tuesday I did my materials research and did a small amount of work on my free hand design final. Today i am blooging the stuff we have done over the past week and on friday we plan on doing a two hour practical

Materials justification

Materials justification:
I choose to use aluminium because the brief says that the light must be durable, corrosion resistant, strong and light weight. Aluminium has all these properties and is easy to bend so it should be easy to construct my light frame with. It is also cheap so I will be able to stay inside the $60 budget. Acrylic is my second material. It also has all these properties because it is plastic but it isn’t strong. Luckily the acrylic plastic isn’t being used to be the bulk of my circuit. I plan for it to be the see through space where the light will emit from. I will use aluminium rivets to put my circuit together along with self tapping screws to connect the bottom plate like we did with the template circuit.

Materials research aluminium

Brief for Tony house

My client Dr Tony House owns a holiday house in the Coromandel. He wants self powered lights around his house at night. The light must be self powered, durable against the Coromandel weather, have enough light to light up the poacita and must not exceed the budget of $60. I will be the stakeholder for this project.

Materials research copper

Materials research arcylic

Thursday, May 15, 2008

DTM week 2 Year 11

On tuesday we did a little bit of paper work for a unit standard and took apart a circuit to reconise components. On wednesday we worked on our circuits. On Friday we blogged and we are doind more practical